Nail Cleaner er en væske for avfetting av neglene. Det er nødvendig for riktig klargjøring av negleplaten for hybrid- eller gelmanikyr. Man avfetter neglen før man legger basen.
Semilac Nail Cleaner for riktig forberedelse av negler for manikyr.
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- ib-13319
Our Nail Cleaner lotions have been designed to ensure your painted nails are always looking their very best and the high gloss finish is maintained at all times. Ideal for use alongside our UV Gel Polishes and UV Nail Art Gels, the lotion has no detrimental effect on the painted surface and will instead clean and perfectly remove the thin adherent layer which can form over the hardened gel after time under the UV lamp. A great way to keep your painted nails looking great, we supply these lotions in a variety of different sized bottles to meet your needs.