Protein Base Removable 7ml

Svake, myke negler gir deg mareritt? Den prisbelønte Indigo Protein Base vil ta dette problemet av dine skuldre!

Protein Base er bedre enn andre baser, takket være jajoba proteinet kan du jevne ut, forlenge og bygge opp den naturlige negleplaten. Fordeler med Indigo Protein Base: - Inneholder viktige proteiner - Tykk konsistens – tillater å forlenge neglen inntil 3mm - Safe – beskytter negleplaten mot mekanisk skader - Selvnivellerende – gjør det mulig å korrigere ujevnheter og bygge opp en perfekt C-kurven - Hardt og elastisk - Slittestark

Weak, soft nails give you nightmares? The prize-winning Indigo Protein Base will take this problem off your shoulders! This product contains proteins’s a extract. Finally, you can wear long nails which, thanks to Protein Base will grow stronger and resistant to splitting! Revolutionary Indigo base coat will let you enhance the nail or fix a broken one and create a perfect C-curve, even when the plate has an indent.

Benefits of Indigo’s Protein Base:

  • contains proteins

  • very thick consistency- allows lengthening the nail around 3mm,

  • safe – protect the nail plate from damage and harsh elements,

  • self-levelling – it allows to correct the imperfections and create the C-curve,

  • hard and elastic at the same time – the layer is durable and cooperates with natural nail plate.

Curing time:

  • Dual LED Lamp – 30 seconds

  • UV Lamp – 2 minutes