Semilac Nail Art Brush N 000-1

162,75 kr
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- ib-3467
Semilac har brukt år på å utvikle det perfekte settet med neglekunstpensler for å skape utrolig neglekunst. Med en rekke koster, kan fantasien din bli vill da du lager design i en rekke forskjellige stiler og former. Du kan oppnå mange effekter, for eksempel: - Marbling - Sponging - Dotting - Striping - Slanting. Ved hjelp av våre salongkvalitets nail art koster er alt mulig med nok trening. Vi anbefaler at du bruker kostene sammen med vår omfattende samling av UV Nail Art Gel for å få den ultimate finishen.
Semilac has spent years developing the perfect set of nail art brushes for creating incredible nail art. With a variety of brushes to hand, your imagination can go wild as you create designs in a range of different styles, shapes and finishes. You can achieve many effects, such as: - Marbling - Sponging - Dotting - Striping - Slanting Using our salon quality nail art brushes anything is possible with enough practice. We recommend using the brushes alongside our extensive collection of UV nail art gels to get the ultimate finish.
Semilac has spent years developing the perfect set of nail art brushes for creating incredible nail art. With a variety of brushes to hand, your imagination can go wild as you create designs in a range of different styles, shapes and finishes. You can achieve many effects, such as: - Marbling - Sponging - Dotting - Striping - Slanting Using our salon quality nail art brushes anything is possible with enough practice. We recommend using the brushes alongside our extensive collection of UV nail art gels to get the ultimate finish.